Boston, Massachusetts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriots Pen

Authors note: I am writing to the Founding Fathers about what I think they did right and what they
did wrong.

Dear Founding Fathers,

I understand the magnificent deal of stress you were under. You had an entire country to put together. One question I have is why you had to have slavery? Over half of you leaders owned a slave at some time, which wouldn’t set a good example for the rest of the country.

The Declaration of Independence stated that every person was equal. This obviously wasn’t the case when it came to slaves. It shouldn’t matter if someone looks a little different. Just because their skin is a different color, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t the same on the inside.

While you comprehend the fact that the African American’s shouldn’t have been slaves don’t forget about the women. All women weren’t allowed to vote for the president unless of course their husband died and he owned land. This wasn’t fair due to the amount of hard work they contributed to the making of our civilization. Without women a lot of things wouldn’t get done. For instance women tend to be more organized then men. Being organized we’ll keep a town running smoothly.

Although you guys made some bad decisions, there is nothing that can overrule the fact that you made our country a better place to live in. You all made some very important laws. One of those laws was the right to vote for the leader of the country. This was a delightful law even though women couldn’t vote. Another great law was that every citizen had freedom of speech. This law made a ton of people happy. The last thing that made America a superior country was the road ahead. There was many things to look for in America varying from gold to exotic animals.

Overall the start of America was a work in progress. There was a lot of good things going for it. There were also a lot of bad things. The main problem were the slaves. Once we got rid of slaves our country became a whole lot better.

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