Authors Note: This is about a girl who witnesses the disappearance of a girl at a Halloween party. No one knows how it happen.
It was a foggy Halloween night. The full moon in the sky sends a chill up your spine. 13 year old Anna Walker was at her friend Janine’s party. It was time for the Skeleton search. The skeleton search is a fun event at night where groups of two look around the woods for a hidden skeleton. This year Anna got paired up with a girl named Karen. They started searching around the woods closest to the house. No luck. There was still no luck 20 minutes later. Both of them decided to give up and head back to the house. All of a sudden Anna heard a noise from a nearby tree. When she turned around Karen was gone. She Vanished!
Anna immediately ran back to the house to find help. They all rushed to the scene of the disappearance equipped with flashlights. “ I found something!” said a boy named Adam. He held up what he had found. It was Karen’s shoe! This left them clueless. No one could figure out how Karen disappeared. Janine called the police. Unfortunately they weren’t going to come until the morning.
The police department called Anna up and told her to come down to Janine’s house for questioning. ‘’What happened?’’ said officer Rivers. ‘’ We were walking back to the house when suddenly I heard a noise from a tree. When I turned around Karen was gone.’’ Said Anna. Officer Rivers decided he would go and question the next door neighbor Mr. Winston. Before he could even ring the doorbell there was a noise which came from the side of the house and that’s when Officer Rivers noticed Mr. Winston taking off.
Of course since he was an older man he was caught before he left his property. He was taken to the jail instantly. When asked why he ran away he replied with nothing at all. When the cops searched his yard they found a net. Located in the net was Karen’s shoe. They went in and searched his house. That’s when they found Karen sitting in a locked bedroom.
When police officers asked Mr. Winston why he did it. He said that he was tired of all the kids tearing up his corn field looking for the skeleton. They then asked him how he did it. He responded with a laugh and then said ‘’the net was set up to trigger when someone stepped on it. That person would go in the air and get pulled over to my yard with my fishing rod’’. The police told Anna what happened. “That would explain why her shoe fell off” said Anna. Now she knew that the famous skeleton search would go on.
Nick Fonte